

Design features

Double cartridge mechanical seal, double balanced seal faces, independent on direction of rotation, springs without contact with the sealed fluid

Fields of application

Chemical industry, food industry, water and sewage technology, oil refinery, power stations, paper industry

Application limits

Pressure p1 max 20 bar *) Vg = 20 m/s*) T = -40°C bis +200°C**)
*) dependent on materials **) dependent on the o-ring

Standard materials

Rotary seal face: Q1, U1, Q2, U2
Stationary seal face: Q1, U1, A, B

Catalogue and datasheet

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Design features Single cartridge mechanical seal balanced, independent rotation direction, springs without contact with the sealed fluid Fields of application:


Design features Single cartridge mechanical seal balanced, independent on rotation direction, springs without contact with the sealed fluid, with flush


Design features Double cartridge mechanical seal, double balanced seal faces, independent on direction of rotation, springs without contact with the

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