

The rotary joint, type HTOPM has an assembly that enables the supply of media from the installation (steam or hot oil) into the rotary equipment. It does not require additional lubrication or sealing, it is easy to install and remove as an individual unit. The HTOPM type rotary joint is a self-locking assembly that compensates for thermal expansions that occur during heating and cooling of the equipment.

Operating conditions

p = 10 bar
t = -30 …. 300 °C
v = up to 400 rpm

Seal face material

In the standard version, the metal parts are made of modular cast iron.
If the working conditions require it, we deliver rotating joints made of stainless or alloys.
The material of the sliding bearing and sealing ring is technical carbon-graphite with the quality according to the fluid and working conditions.

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The rotary joint, type HTOPD is a dual flow assembly that enables the supply of media from the installation (steam

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